Online Auctions for Stay at Home Moms and Dads

If you are a stay at home mom or dad you may be getting the urge to do something more with yourself to start a career addition or change. You may want to make more money while staying at home with the children all day.

One of the best ways for any stay at home parent to make money is by using online auctions.

This may sound a bit far fetched, but it is a fact that seven hundred fifty thousand people have turned eBay alone into a full or part time job. Further, there are many people who have become millionaires by using eBay to buy and sell many different items. If you work hard and smart at it, you can be the next moneymaker in line for the profits that are being made everyday of the week.

Some say it cannot be done but they are dead wrong because many moms and dads are making full and part time incomes working the business.

At this point you may be wondering how you can make money doing this. This is something that a lot of people still have not tried or done yet.

Using old auctions with a dramatic new twist to make money is quite simple. You list items for sale, wait for other people to bid on them, or purchase at predetermined prices. In order to get started with this you will need to have items that you can place into the various online auctions to sale at competitive bids. There are different ways that you can get or make these items.

1. To find items to sell, at first, you may want to become a regular at garage sales, flea markets and sometimes estate sales in your area. At these events you buy items for cheap prices, and then turn around and sell them for a large profit.

This is one option that a lot of stay at home moms and dads opt for when looking for items that they can sell on eBay and other auctions. Many people fall in love with this method and just make their money this way because they like the dickering for prices at the garage sales and flea markets.

2. Another option to consider is making your own products, and then listing them for sale. There are people who like to make their money this way exclusively.

For instance, some people make crafts such as candles and then list them for sale. You may not think that there is a large audience for this type of thing, but there are many people that make a lot of money doing just that. Once again, this group of people is another happy niche making their income with auctions.

3. Many stay at home moms and dads can get their start using this method by selling items that they have laying around the house. Many people are surprised that they are able to sell old clothes in good condition.

Chances are that your garage or attic is full of junk, especially old games, dolls and formerly popular items that you no longer use. Others want these items badly. I bet you can think of old items right now that you would like to buy for yourself from high school or college.

Just because you think that the items you have are junk does not mean that somebody else will. Many people have old major sports collector cards that auction buyers are desperately wanting for their own collections. By just selling items that you have in your home you may be able to get your start in this fascinating business. With the money that you initially make, you can then buy more items and get better and better at your selling skills. Pretty soon you will notice that your profits are growing.

4.Your next step would be to take an online course with one of the two or three major, high quality online auction trainers on the internet. Two of them are women. One offers an ongoing course for about forty dollars a month. Sometimes you can get in when she is offering a special for as low as twenty dollars a month. It is worth the price.

Another dynamite lady, no exaggeration here, who was the teacher of the lady above offers an excellent course for about a thousand dollars over about an eight week time span. They both will work you hard but you will be a very knowledgeable and proficient online auction buying and selling mom or dad if you carefully do everything she says.

One final note. Almost all other trainers for this field on the internet are duds. I recommend only the two above. eBay has certified trainers also that will cost you less and they are qualified. The two above are the best of the best though. Always ask or look for references. No exceptions.

About the Author:
James M. Lowe writes original articles about home business opportunities.

Article Source: - Online Auctions for Stay at Home Moms and Dads

Business, Internet Marketing, Stay At Home Dad Business, On Line Auction Career