The 5 Minute Guide To Taking Your Web Business To The Next Level

It doesn't matter what stage your website is at, you'll probably come to a point where you hit the point that well known web personally Ken Evoy calls 'The Hump'.

So what is The Hump?

It's that time in your website's life where you've built a good amount of content, you've gone out and found some people to link to you, you've put Google Adsense and some affiliate links on your site…and either you've reached a plateau in your site's earnings or worst still, nothing's happening…

When this happens, you've found 'The Hump' So how do you get over that hump? Well, let's look at three ways of taking action towards getting your business back on track and growing through this temporary setback.

Step 1 – Work out what you are doing that's working and do more of that.

Have you created some great content that is attracting visitors from the search engines? If so, find another 20 easy-to-rank-well-for keywords and build more content for your site.

Remembering that the most important part of any business is your prospect and customer list, make sure that every page you build has a prominent place where people can subscribe to your list so you can start building a relationship with them. This will make your content work overtime by turning many more of your visitors into customers over time because they will come to know and trust you.

Step 2 – Stop doing what isn't working until you can work out why.

Are you paying for a Google Adwords campaign that isn't producing a satisfactory ROI? Are you writing and submitting articles that aren't attracting visitors to your website?

Stop what you are doing if it's not working, re-evaluate why you are doing it, and fix the problem. I see many people running up big PPC bills on campaigns that have very little chance of producing a profit.

When I ask them why, they say that they have to compete in their market and everyone else is doing it…Duh! If it's not producing a profit, stop doing it and test something else.

Only by testing can you hope to find the right solution and get your business again heading in the right direction.

Step 3 – Find a mentor and follow the advice they give you

No truly successful person has ever made it far without a mentor to help, coach and guide him or her. It just doesn't happen. Everyone has mentors, even if we don't notice what's going on.

Our parents, friends and family are all 'mentoring' us every day and we learn from them without even knowing it. When it comes to building your business, you need a mentor who has been where you are and has found a way over that 'Hump' that you are currently up against.

Finding a mentor will make all the difference and propel you forward towards your most important goals that much more quickly than if you try to work everything out on your own.

Your 'Hump' is not impossible to climb over. You just need some guidance to find your way around it…

About the Author:
Rocky Tapscott is the author a free 7 Part Mini Course 'How To Build The Perfect Home Based Business Around Your Favorite Hobby, Pastime, Sport OrSkill' which shows how to make money doing what you love. Drop by grab your free copy.

Article Source: - The 5 Minute Guide To Taking Your Web Business To The Next Level

Internet Marketing, Work From Home, Home Based Business